Causes Of Tingling Hands When Waking Up That Should Not Be Underestimated

10 causes of wake up sleep hand tingling worth a watch

Ranging from carpal tunnel syndrome, nerve damage, up to a sleeping position. The following causes of wake up sleep hand tingling to watch out for.

1. Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that occurs when the median nerve in the carpal tunnel (a narrow hallway in front of the wrist) subjected to pressure. The most common symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome are tingling, and numbness. The weakening of the hand grip also can be felt by the sufferer. To relieve the symptoms of hand tingling, try to rest your hands from repeated movements, avoiding activities that aggravate the symptoms, to put a cold compress to relieve the swelling.

2. Spondylosis cervical

Causes of hand tingling when I wake up next is spondylosis cervical. This condition occurs due to spinal discs in the neck you suffered damage as we age. This condition can trigger signs of osteoarthritis, for example, bone spurs and disc that stands out. Both of them can narrow space in the cervical spine and put pressure on the nerve roots or the spinal cord so that the hands get numb and tingling. Spondylosis cervical spine can also cause leg and foot numbness, and pain and stiffness in the neck. Treatment of spondylosis cervical constituted by the level of severity and symptoms. The main goal of its treatment is to eliminate pain, help the sufferer to be able to do daily activities, to prevent permanent injury to the nerves and spinal cord. Your doctor may prescribe antidepressant medicines, corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal, anti-seizure, up to muscle relaxants.

3. Diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that can cause blood sugar levels to rise. This condition occurs when the body can’t respond to insulin effectively or does not produce enough insulin. According to the American Diabetes Association, almost half of the patients with diabetes also suffer from nerve damage, such as peripheral neuropathy and carpal tunnel syndrome. Both diseases can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the hand. There are no medicines that can cure diabetes. However, the symptoms can be controlled with continue to maintain normal blood sugar levels, eating healthy foods, sports to routinely see a doctor.

4. Thoraric outlet syndrome (TOS)

Thoraric outlet syndrome (TOS) is a group of disorders that can arise when the nerves or blood vessels at the bottom of the neck and upper chest irritation, injury, or depressed. The symptoms are manifold, such as numbness in the forearm, hand, and fingers. In addition, the pain can also appear on the neck, shoulders, arms, to her hands. How to cope with the hand tingling when you wake up in bed caused by the TOS can usually begins with physical therapy. However, if physical therapy is not able to relieve the symptoms, the doctor can perform botox injections to surgery if necessary.

5. Peripheral neuropathy

Hand tingling when you wake up can also be caused by peripheral neuropathy. This disease refers to several conditions that involve damage to the peripheral nervous system, namely the nervous system which is in charge of receiving and sending signals between the central nervous system and entire body. Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy generally constituted by a nerve that is affected. Shape-the shape of the symptoms that can occur, including:

• Tingling and numbness

• The pain is sharp and stabbing

• The sensation of buzzing.

How to cope with the hand tingling when you wake up in bed caused by peripheral neuropathy can be in the form of medication reliever pain relief, anti-seizure medications, topical medications such as capsaicin cream, to antidepressants.

6. Sleeping position

The sleeping position to be one of the causes of hand tingling when you wake up in bed is often the case. Hands usually experience a tingling sensation when overlapped by the pillow or the body. This condition occurs because blood flow to the hand is reduced. Try change the sleeping position you to prevent the hands are overlapped while you sleep.

7. A deficiency of vitamin B-12

Hand tingling when you wake up can be triggered by a deficiency of vitamin B-12. Therefore, this vitamin has an important role to maintain the function of the brain, central nervous system, and DNA synthesis. The body cause a deficiency of vitamin B-12 assortment, ranging from factors of age, family history, to some medical conditions, for instance autoimmune diseases to gastritis. Symptoms of lack of vitamin B-12 include numbness, tingling, reduced appetite, to weak muscles. One way to overcome this is to eat foods that contain vitamin B-12, such as beef, chicken, salmon and tuna, eggs, to yogurt.

8. Chemotherapy and certain drugs

Chemotherapy and certain drugs can damage the peripheral nerves, causing wake up sleep hand tingling. A study published in the journal F1000 Research stated, 30-68 percent of people who undergo chemotherapy can be experienced peripheral neuropathy. Drugs that can cause peripheral neuropathy include anticonvulsant drugs, blood pressure-lowering drugs, drugs for heart disease, to antibiotics such as metronidazole and the fluoroquinolone.

9. Alcohol abuse

Consume excessive amounts of alcohol can damage nerve tissue. This condition is known as neuropathy alcoholic. If this is the cause of the tingling sensation that you experience, try to avoid alcohol so nerve health can be maintained.

10. Ganglion cyst

A ganglion cyst is a lump the non-cancer that can grow along the joints or tendons in the wrist. This condition can lead to waking up hands tingling. If the cyst is pressing on the nerve, then the hand may be numb. These cysts can also feel pain when pressed and interfere with movement of the joints. Most cases of ganglion cysts can disappear without treatment. Even so, you should get yourself to a doctor to get proper treatment.

Other diseases that could potentially lead to the hand tingling when I wake up

There are also a number of other diseases that could potentially lead to the hand tingling moment of waking up, of which:

• Multiple sclerosis

• Rheumatoid arthritis

• Lupus

• Lyme Disease


• Syphilis

• Sjogren’s Syndrome

• Hypothyroidism

• Guillain-Barre Syndrome

• Raynaud’s Syndrome.

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